Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween Bitches!

Sauerkraut Here!

Today is Halloween, the greatest day ever! You will never see me happier than I am on Halloween. Below are a few reasons why I love Halloween:
1. There are mass amounts of candy... everywhere! My personal favorite are candy corn pumpkins! I love these things and I eat them until I'm sick. Then, I eat some more because I know I will not have them until the next Halloween.

2. The weather is perfect! It's not so hot that you have to place paper towels under your tits to prevent the sweat stains for appearing on your shirt. But, it's not so cold that your leg hairs are growing back at a rapid pace.

3. As a small child I loved playing dress up. My favorite outfit was my slip. And although my mother wouldn't allow me to wear it out of the house, I could have! And no one would have said anything. Now that I'm well into my 20's I still have those same desires to walk out of the house dressed as a pea in a pod, but I can't. However, Halloween is the one day a year I can be whoever or whatever I want! This year I dressed up as Rosie the Riveter and Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. Not at the same time, two different nights. But! Here's an example of a great Halloween costume:

4. The after Halloween shopping! Every year on November 1st I spend I my day (Yes, I leave work) and I hit up all of the Halloween stores and buy a ton of stuff I don't need at 50% off! This year I'm hoping to find some jewelery and a few choice costumes:

5. For me Halloween is the last holiday of the year (I fucking hate Thanksgiving and Christmas!). So for me, it's my last chance to celebrate! After Halloween it's too cold to go out to the bars/clubs and the world is too full of "Be Merry and Bright" bullshit that I tend to hole up in my box (My apartment). Plus, it's so fun for me to see everyone's costume and wonder to myself "What made that person choose that particular costume?" Furthermore, I love watching people act like fools! I think they do this because a little part of them feels like they're not really embarrassing themselves, but rather the person they are dressed like. It's true! No one will remember that Bob barfed all over himself. What they'll remember is, The Caveman who barfed all over himself. It's great.

6. Halloween is all about death and ghosts! My number one fear is death, my number two fear, is ghosts. Although I'm terrified by both death and ghosts, I'm fascinated by them. I can't get enough ghost stories. Not fake ones, they must be real. And they must be told to me in the light of day, far from the location. It's a love hate sort of thing.

7. It's just fun! It's fun to dress up. It's fun to pretend to be someone else for a day. It's fun to eat candy. It's fun to run around in the fall weather. It's fun to scare and be scared. It's just fun!

So, if you're a lame ass and you haven't done shit for Halloween. The day is not over, you still have a chance to participate. The best part... the real fun doesn't start until the sun goes down (Insert spooky laugh here)! Happy Halloween Bitches!

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